by davidbfv | Oct 11, 2018 | Uncategorized
Video Marketing: Can Your Business Use It? What’s the hottest new way to let people know about your products and services? Video marketing just might be the answer to this ever-changing question. If you are thinking about how to effectively use social media to market your business and improve your overall return on investment, consider adding Video Marketing to your advertising picture. What Good Is A “Commercial?” Remember those old commercials for car dealerships, local restaurants, and tax preparation firms? One minute, you were watching your favorite sitcom, and the next, you were using the commercial break to let the dog out, go get a drink or a snack, or hit the restroom. If you’re thinking that video marketing and video SEO have anything to do with commercials like these, think again! People actually choose to watch your videos and, better yet, they share them with their friends. Now, take a moment to think about the kind of commercials that actually work. Let’s use the Superbowl – that annual television event every member of the family loves to watch – even mom, who doesn’t like football. Why is everyone watching? It’s for the commercials! Superbowl Sunday is the day when new, superbly entertaining commercials come out. Then, they show up on YouTube and other places around the internet. Can you get the same kind of effect, on a smaller scale? Absolutely! Video Marketing and Facebook Once you have a presence on Facebook, you can start to put up entertaining video clips that people will want to watch. Do not, under any circumstance, put up something boring or use a...
by davidbfv | Oct 11, 2018 | Uncategorized
Three Reasons Video Marketing Fails: Don’t Make These Mistakes! Video marketing is super hot, and everyone wants a piece of the pie. Chances are, you have been subjected to video marketing yourself – some good, and some terrible. As you are planning your own video marketing campaign, set yourself up for success – not abject failure! Here are three top reasons video marketing campaigns fail to work as intended. Reason #3: Your Video Is Long and Boring Why in the world would anyone want to voluntarily sit through ten minutes worth of someone droning on about whatever it is that he or she is (quite obviously) trying to sell? And, why would that same beleaguered viewer want to pass a long, boring video on to a friends? Keep your video marketing campaign interesting. Get to the point. Finish up in three minutes or less. Create interest and curiosity. A long, boring video will tank, every time. Reason #2: Poor Quality If your video is hard to see, or is headache inducing due to a poor picture, people will leave. It doesn’t matter how funny it is, how great your message is, or how good a job you’ve done with marketing it. Be sure your video looks good, and that people can hear the message you are trying to convey. Reason #1: Your Video Is Nothing Special Ouch! Don’t take it personally if your first few attempts at creating a video don’t get you the kind of results you’re looking for. Here are some things to remember that will make producing an effective video marketing campaign just a bit easier:...
by davidbfv | Oct 10, 2018 | Uncategorized
An Introduction To Social Video Marketing What is social video marketing? On the surface, it’s a way to get existing and potential customers to interact with your website. It’s an entertaining way for you to get your message across. At best, it’s a great way to improve your overall SEO picture. Social video marketing is nothing like those old TV commercials – instead, it combines gripping images and motivational text or music to make your customers feel they need to do two things: heed your call to action, and share your message with people they feel would appreciate what you have to offer. What Social Video Marketing Is Not Social video marketing is not a standard commercial. A film crew does not come to your place of business and build a highly choreographed visual press release. In fact, most social video marketing for small businesses takes place with the help of a good internet marketing specialist, and a few people who have the talent to put a quick, entertaining video together. Quick cameras like the Flip and others like it make the process of producing and editing short films a snap! Social video marketing is not spam. Some businesses make the mistake of being overly forceful, which is something you definitely don’t want to do – the most effective social video marketing campaigns are those that people actually WANT to watch. What Social Video Marketing Is Putting out a black and white definition of social video marketing is nigh impossible. It’s different things to different people. The best social video marketing doesn’t really even look like marketing to most...